Wide awake, after a couple of hours. It's just after midnight, it's almost freezing outside, and there might be ice on the driveway when dawn hits; not that I care. We don't have to go anywhere. The radiator is turned up full blast in the den, I left the half-door all the way open to the barn, and roped it off. The stable room connected to the house was comfortable, but the equines were still blanketed. If they'd been awake, I'd have made some honeyed chamomile tay for them, but they were out cold. When I checked on them, my mentor's horse was on his feet, and the ponies were snuggled in the straw. They looked rather cute.
In the news, oil prices are going through the roof. That will do additional wonders for the imploding economy. We haven't noticed too much inflation yet, but it seemed that would change very shortly, not that it would really matter much unless we went Weimar. . .provided we were still here when it happened.
The radiation. We don't eat fish, but the cats do. We'd been taking the Geiger counter to the stores. So far, so good as far as finding things. If I decided to come back here after my trip home it would become a problem eventually, but considering how little time there was, would it matter? Right now, provided I was coming back, there was a maximum of ten months and one week left. It seems like my extra month for something to go wrong kind of went away at this point, but we shall see. I'll get it back if my sixth volume goes up this weekend or next.
Now I think I'm in the mood for some tay and a scone. And we do have some hazelnut truffles in the fridge!
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