Blogging, that is. It's not like I have anything pertinent to post. Just more day to day crap.
It's quite warm outside, by my standards. I got to run through the grasses unshod in a pair of cut-offs. That was fun, and we had lunch on the verandah. Spinach and mushrooms crêpes, an intricate salad with sesame oil and rice vinegar, lemonade, and an apple.
My book series is getting exposure on a new forum that my publisher set up.
Or more specifically:
I'm not sure it'll make much of a difference, but whatever. I won't be posting on it. In fact I don't think I'll even join, considering I don't exist; though I will read it.
Of course, all in the know are aware of the fact the radiation is a lot worse than the controlled media is letting on. Radiation detection stations are being shut down or censored, but check this guy out for as long as it's here.
Looks like the Mississippi River is cutting loose major, with drenching rain not helping matters. They flooded a lot of farmland to save a couple of small towns, like Cairo. To me that's like kill the dog to starve the flea, but whatever.
I see the world closing down. I speak in analogy, but it's like dusk is arriving, and the cows are waiting to come in and settle down for the night. Things are slowing. What was built is fading. Builings are being torn down, economies are shrinking, birth rates are declining, wildlife is being slaughtered in so many ways; with the Gulf spill being the worst offender, in addition to the Fukushima plant. Well, the deliberate poisoning via Corexit really did a lot of things in, but hey. So a lot of life forms had an early parole, as far as getting closer to their 'real' HOME goes, and there will obviously be a Hell of a lot more of that going on.
Man, thinking about all of this almost makes me want to write another story. But if I do, before I do, maybe I should finish the poem I've been sitting on for a couple of months?
Maybe. Or maybe I won't. If I do, it won't be now.
I think I want to go outside again. I'm gonna walk and run the trail out to beyond our rented property. I'm gonna see if anyone else wants to come.
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