It was nice. I got the middle. Being snuggled between my mentor and the mullethead was sweet.
On the other hand they days are getting longer, and I don't like wasting the night that I so love, but hey.
It was quite cold now. It was also raining. Later, I planned to go for a short run out back, barefoot in the grass when the temperature hit the highs. As I said before, I liked doing that; but the cold didn't make it such a pleasant experience. I wished I could do it now, but lack of light and it being just a couple of degrees above freezing didn't do me for the experience.
On the other hand, I wake to fine the Birds Point levee has just been blown up. What a mess. Screw up a bunch of farmland during times of food shortage to save a hick town. Depopulation agenda, anyone? Then again, the mullethead will ask if this is a bad thing. Well, considering how many believe Osama Bin Laden was just killed, and how many believe the official 9/11 story, maybe not. Bring these deluded folks back into the realm of TRUTH, huh? So many people are just determined to live with their heads up their arses, it blows me away. I suppose it's some sort of comfort zone. Quite frankly, I'm not THAT limber, so I think I'll pass.
I can't say I have any respect for the concept of preferring illusion to truth.
Odd thing to say from someone who doesn't exist, though; eh????????
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