I think not. The mullethead and I did go for a combination of walk and run in back. 'It' didn't stress 'itself' out too badly this time. We had fun. The deciduous trees were starting to bloom and sprout, and it was incredibly beautiful. Too bad it was mostly sunny, but hey! At least we had patchy clouds.
We walked hand in hand some, stopped a few times for some long embraces, and if it had been warmer, we probably would have done a lot more, but neither one of us was that masochistic.
When we got home, the equines were gone, two of the cats were gone, and my mentor kicked us out of the house before we were there for five minutes.
The mullethead and I didn't run or walk to town. I drove us. We walked around a bit, we stopped at a coffee shop, had some tay and croissants, did go to the ice cream shop, we each had a Sunday, with the mullethead having black cherry and I having hazelnut. We fed each other a couple of spoonfuls of our own, then we walked around some more.
We talked about the uncertain future, my mentors motivations for what was happening, and how ambivalent both the mullethead and I were about being here. 'It' did want to see the last volume go up, yet at the same time 'it' couldn't wait to get out of here, and go home with me.
I wondered if there was anyone alive who hated life and the Physical Realm more than the mullethead. That had been 'its' attitude since it learned about the other planes.
Well, 'it' hated life since 'it' was 6. Abusive psycho-bitch 'incubators' had a way of doing that to their 'crotch droppings', c-sections, or whatever. The mullethead was now about rolling around on the floor like a cold cat on a warm pavement (Not really. I speak in analogy, all right?), ecstatic over the collapse of the system, the environmental turbulence both natural and man-made, and ecstatic over the fact that the powers that think they are, are committing suicide with their destruction, and not even realising it. 'It was also about bouncing off the walls over tornadoes hitting Raleigh, NC, with Carthage about 60 miles away, being her 'incubator' twat lived in Carthage.
Was there a way to find out if the bitch was gonna get plastered, since there were more in the forecast? Well, yes. . .but it wasn't going to happen. Gods, some individuals hold grudges forever.
I liked that last part, but I didn't like the innocents, and the animals and plants suffering. The mullethead then pointed out that nothing would be here if it didn't want to be here, so we all deserved what we got, right? There was no time, so all was as it was meant to be, and we asked to be here for the experience, and so it was.
OK. I couldn't argue. I'd just gotten a similar lecture from my mentor. But I just couldn't get into the mullethead's trip. 'It' could be such a morbid little bitch. . .bastard. . .whatever, at times.
When we got home, we were in for a shock. The whole house was immaculate. The stables looked like they had been just put up, and a horse or pony had never been in them. We walked through them, and of course the door to the outside was locked. When we went back into the house, my mentor shut both top and bottom to the half door between the den and stables, and we would never go into them again. The compost bin would now only get veggie and paper waste.
I would have so much more time. We also had all this extra money, now. Not only did I knock two and a half months off our stay, but we had five fewer animals to feed, and three of them had been very expensive.
We couldn't spend any more. We already lived quite hedonistically in our simple tastes, so we decided to give a bit of it away.
We'd start by leaving a 100% tip tomorrow.
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