Sunday, October 31, 2010

Remember Bastille Day?

Letter to the Ruling Class - From the Serfs, is the title. A parasite can't live without its host, either.


Other than that, the night did get below 0°C. I also got off on it. Took care of the equines, went for a mad two kilometre run, was home again in under 6 minutes, took a quick shower, and started on lunch-dinner (dinch?), not even having had brekkie yet, but I really, really wanted this.

I put on three pots, because it was also horse food. There would be very little water in this stew, but mostly carrot and tomato juice, freshly squeezed, and every veggie we had. Tatties and neeps (potatoes and turnips), more carrots, more tomatoes, potatoes, dill celary, kale, shallots, garlic spinach, red bell peppers, crimini 'shrooms, shiitaki 'shrooms, parsley, basil, chives, green beans, peas, baby corn, and a few other things I can't even think of right now. They were all. . .fresh as far as the grocery term went, though most of the stuff was imported from Mexico, Arizona, or Calipornia or something. I threw in every seasoning (Italian seasoning, paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, black pepper, a touch of cumin, more dill, Worchestershire sauce despite the anchovy, but as I said, we were not vegan.) that seemed like it fit, a whole 'pound' package of butter for each pot, and turned the heat on low. Each equine would get four litres, and we'd have enough for 2 or 3 days for us.

It was on now, and the mullethead was guarding it to make sure it wouldn't burn. Gods, I was salivating. I could smell it up here.


The news was interesting too. Japan had another quake yesterday, also in the Honshu region, and this is weird beyond weird on how the same place is getting hit over and over again. I really do suspect someone is attacking them with Tesla technology. Their stocks kind of tanked last night, and the U.S. markets are on a downward trend with oil totally tanking for the day so far, but for how long? These markets are a yoyo. I'd avoid them not only because of how rigged they are, but on principal. I don't agree with the concept.

Oh man. I am now going downstairs. There is one burner left to put on the tay kettle, if it's not on already, and I suspect it is. I want to bathe my nose in the wonderful scent of that veggie stew.

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