We were going to have a late dinner tonight. We bought two carrot cakes. We divided one up into roughly thirds, and ate them. . .with a ton of whipped cream which we did ourselves, because it's better. None of that light, toxic garbage from the can for us. We bought heavy cream, added just a wee bit of powdered sugar, and let the blender rip. It tasted way better than the pre-made stuff.
The other carrot cake we divided up, and gave to the equines. They absolutely LOVED it. They probably would have gone through ten of the things each, if we'd given it to 'em. No whipped cream for them, though the cats got some before the sugar was added. The two male puddy tats really went after it, but the female was indifferent, so the males went after what we dished out for her after they finished their own.
We had ours with creamed raspberry Earl Grey tay in the kitchen with the lights off, watching the rain pour down through the windows. We ended up going through two kettles of tay as we discussed world matters. The mullethead was ecstatic over the entropy, considering how much she loathed this realm of existence. She was quite the cheering squad, and commented on how nice it would have been to be at ground zero for the Japanese meltdown. She also commented on maybe I should write a story about it.
Uh, NO!!!!!!!!!
Nice, mellow day. The next time the mullethead was going to cut the grass was going to be a bitch, though.
Aye, what a pointless post. Well, I'm only a part time political activist, OK? A dilettante. Just like I was a dilettante writer. It was a hobby. It's not like my well being depended on it. After all, I was only here for a maximum of 16 months total, so hey! Why should I go all out? Leave that to Dog Poet, Theresa Durbin, Raye Allen, Jeff Rense and all the other political reseach site and blogger dudes. I'm behind them, think it's great what they're doing, but after I'm gone, I'm not going to be thinking of it too much any more. After all, I won't have to. I'll just know it all, again. Being out of time, an such; you know? Free of all the illusions of this so dense Plane of existence?
And I tell ya, it's dense in more ways than one. Sometimes I wonder what is denser? The realm, or the inhabitants?
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