Sunday, October 31, 2010

Ye Gods, Let's Get On With The Solstice!!!!!!!!!!!

I have NEVER been a fan of summer. I do like the temperature and all that at this latitude, we do get almost as much rain here as back home when I was a sprog, but the days just last forever this time of year, and it's just as annoying as can be for a lover of the night.

I'm also wondering if my next volume will be up tomorrow. I'm glad I don't have the attitude I did when I got here, or I'd be crawling up the walls. But on the other hand, we've been doing slightly crazier things with the time left. More politically incorrect guerrilla theatre, more extreme hedonism (You DON'T need to know.), and we've just been doing things with more intensity. Well, two of us, anyway. My mentor is pretty level headed, and nothing is going to change him. Realy. Less than 7 months here, then most of our limitations will be stripped from us.

Why wait, considering my presence is no longer needed for my project to be completely unfolded for whoever is interested?

There is something one of us MUST see, and I am bound to 'it' like a Siamese twin sharing a heart, OK? Then we will go.

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